Thursday 3 October 2013

To export orders with shipping address in magento

Put this script to your magento root and run as:

    // Magento CSV Report Script -  Unprocessed Sales Orders
    $hostname_MySQLCon="host of database";
    $database_MySQLCon = "database name";
    $username_MySQLCon = "database username";
    $password_MySQLCon = "database password";

    $MySQLCon = mysql_pconnect($hostname_MySQLCon, $username_MySQLCon, $password_MySQLCon);
    $MySQLDb = mysql_select_db($database_MySQLCon, $MySQLCon);
    function get_DB_Row($query){
        $result = @mysql_query($query);
        $numresults = @mysql_num_rows($result);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numresults; $i++) 
            $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
        return $row;
    // Using this temporary function until I find correct way to pull country names from the database according to two digit code
    // Put in your own until a database polled solution is uncovered
    $sitename = "mysite";                  // update this to customise your filename
    $datestring = date('j-m-y');
    $filename = $sitename."-".$datestring;
    $output = "";
    $fieldlist = array("orderid","firstname","lastname","address","city","region","country",
    $checklist = array("country", "quantity");
    // The order of the CSV fields are set here as well as the field titles
    // The field titles must correspond to a number of SQL Variables being set with the AS operator below
    // If you change the default titles be sure to also update the SQL command accordingly
    // Please note that 'country' and 'quantity' values must be processed but should still be put in your prefered sequence
    $numfields = sizeof($fieldlist);
    // *********************   NOW START BUILDING THE CSV
    // Create the column headers
    for($k =0; $k < $numfields;  $k++) { 
        $output .= $fieldlist[$k];
        if ($k < ($numfields-1)) $output .= ", ";
    $output .= "\n";

    $orderquery = "SELECT * FROM sales_order";      // Query to find unprocessed orders
    $orderresult = mysql_query($orderquery);
    $numorders = @mysql_num_rows($orderresult);
    for($i =0; $i < $numorders; $i++) {
        $order = @mysql_fetch_array($orderresult);    // Place each order into an array for proccessing
        $orderid = $order['entity_id'];               // Grab the orderid for use in the main SQL command
        // The following SQL command will find all the individual items associated with this order
        $itemquery =     "SELECT sales_flat_order_item.order_id AS orderid,
                        sales_flat_order_item.parent_item_id AS parentid,
                        sales_flat_order_item.sku AS itemcode,
               AS itemname,
                        sales_flat_order_item.qty_ordered AS qty_ordered,
                        sales_flat_order_item.qty_shipped AS qty_shipped,
               AS email,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.prefix AS title,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.firstname AS firstname,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.lastname AS lastname,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.street AS address,
               AS city,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.region AS region,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.country_id AS country,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.postcode AS postcode,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.telephone AS telephone,
                        sales_flat_quote_address.shipping_description AS shipping_instructions
                        FROM sales_flat_order_item 
                        INNER JOIN sales_flat_quote_item
                        ON sales_flat_order_item.quote_item_id = sales_flat_quote_item.item_id
                        INNER JOIN sales_flat_quote_address
                        ON sales_flat_quote_item.quote_id = sales_flat_quote_address.quote_id
                        WHERE sales_flat_order_item.order_id = $orderid
                        AND sales_flat_quote_address.address_type = 'shipping' 
                        AND sales_flat_order_item.product_type <> 'configurable'
                        AND sales_flat_order_item.qty_shipped < sales_flat_order_item.qty_ordered";
        $itemresult = mysql_query($itemquery);        // Run the query
        $numitems = @mysql_num_rows($itemresult);   // Check the number of items in the order
        for($j =0; $j < $numitems; $j++) {
            $item = @mysql_fetch_array($itemresult); // Place the item in an array for processing
            // Output the order item values in the same sequence set in the fieldlist to match headers
            for($m =0; $m < sizeof($fieldlist); $m++) { 
                $fieldvalue = $fieldlist[$m];
                if(in_array($fieldvalue, $checklist)) {                    // check if on special processing list
                    if($fieldvalue == "country") $output .= getCountryName($item[$fieldvalue]);
                    if($fieldvalue == "quantity") {
                        $parentid = $item['parentid'];
                        if($parentid == 'NULL') {                          // simple product sold on its own (no parent)
                            $qty_ordered = $item["qty_ordered"];
                            $qty_shipped = $item["qty_shipped"];
                        } else {                                         // simple product was part of bundle or configurable group
                                                                        // If so, use the parent quanities to calculate
                            $parentitem = get_DB_row("SELECT * FROM sales_flat_order_item WHERE item_id = $parentid");
                            $qty_ordered = $parentitem["qty_ordered"];
                            $qty_shipped = $parentitem["qty_shipped"];
                        $output .= ($qty_ordered - $qty_shipped);
                } else {
                    $output .= $item[$fieldvalue];
                if ($m < ($numfields-1)) $output .= ", ";
            $output .= "\n";
    // Send the CSV file to the browser for download
    header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.csv");
    echo $output;


  1. Thanks For your Review... :)

  2. shweta you are an Excellent and really helpful developer :) thanks a lot

  3. Have you did the database connection correctly... I tested this code and its working in magento v.

  4. I instaal conrrect dbase in Magento but in excel have only title no retch data

  5. Hello
    Do you create web service using magento API to export order? So you create JSON output ? how i can import order to other Magento site?

  6. i also got blank csv. i see only the heades.
    also, i dont see in my phpyadmin this table sales_order
    SELECT * FROM sales_order"
