Put this script to your magento root and run as: www.youdomain.com/scriptfilename.php
// Magento CSV Report Script - Unprocessed Sales Orders
$hostname_MySQLCon="host of database";
$database_MySQLCon = "database name";
$username_MySQLCon = "database username";
$password_MySQLCon = "database password";
$MySQLCon = mysql_pconnect($hostname_MySQLCon, $username_MySQLCon, $password_MySQLCon);
$MySQLDb = mysql_select_db($database_MySQLCon, $MySQLCon);
function get_DB_Row($query){
$result = @mysql_query($query);
$numresults = @mysql_num_rows($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numresults; $i++)
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $row;
// Using this temporary function until I find correct way to pull country names from the database according to two digit code
// Put in your own until a database polled solution is uncovered
$sitename = "mysite"; // update this to customise your filename
$datestring = date('j-m-y');
$filename = $sitename."-".$datestring;
$output = "";
$fieldlist = array("orderid","firstname","lastname","address","city","region","country",
$checklist = array("country", "quantity");
// The order of the CSV fields are set here as well as the field titles
// The field titles must correspond to a number of SQL Variables being set with the AS operator below
// If you change the default titles be sure to also update the SQL command accordingly
// Please note that 'country' and 'quantity' values must be processed but should still be put in your prefered sequence
$numfields = sizeof($fieldlist);
// ********************* NOW START BUILDING THE CSV
// Create the column headers
for($k =0; $k < $numfields; $k++) {
$output .= $fieldlist[$k];
if ($k < ($numfields-1)) $output .= ", ";
$output .= "\n";
$orderquery = "SELECT * FROM sales_order"; // Query to find unprocessed orders
$orderresult = mysql_query($orderquery);
$numorders = @mysql_num_rows($orderresult);
for($i =0; $i < $numorders; $i++) {
$order = @mysql_fetch_array($orderresult); // Place each order into an array for proccessing
$orderid = $order['entity_id']; // Grab the orderid for use in the main SQL command
// The following SQL command will find all the individual items associated with this order
$itemquery = "SELECT sales_flat_order_item.order_id AS orderid,
sales_flat_order_item.parent_item_id AS parentid,
sales_flat_order_item.sku AS itemcode,
sales_flat_order_item.name AS itemname,
sales_flat_order_item.qty_ordered AS qty_ordered,
sales_flat_order_item.qty_shipped AS qty_shipped,
sales_flat_quote_address.email AS email,
sales_flat_quote_address.prefix AS title,
sales_flat_quote_address.firstname AS firstname,
sales_flat_quote_address.lastname AS lastname,
sales_flat_quote_address.street AS address,
sales_flat_quote_address.city AS city,
sales_flat_quote_address.region AS region,
sales_flat_quote_address.country_id AS country,
sales_flat_quote_address.postcode AS postcode,
sales_flat_quote_address.telephone AS telephone,
sales_flat_quote_address.shipping_description AS shipping_instructions
FROM sales_flat_order_item
INNER JOIN sales_flat_quote_item
ON sales_flat_order_item.quote_item_id = sales_flat_quote_item.item_id
INNER JOIN sales_flat_quote_address
ON sales_flat_quote_item.quote_id = sales_flat_quote_address.quote_id
WHERE sales_flat_order_item.order_id = $orderid
AND sales_flat_quote_address.address_type = 'shipping'
AND sales_flat_order_item.product_type <> 'configurable'
AND sales_flat_order_item.qty_shipped < sales_flat_order_item.qty_ordered";
$itemresult = mysql_query($itemquery); // Run the query
$numitems = @mysql_num_rows($itemresult); // Check the number of items in the order
for($j =0; $j < $numitems; $j++) {
$item = @mysql_fetch_array($itemresult); // Place the item in an array for processing
// Output the order item values in the same sequence set in the fieldlist to match headers
for($m =0; $m < sizeof($fieldlist); $m++) {
$fieldvalue = $fieldlist[$m];
if(in_array($fieldvalue, $checklist)) { // check if on special processing list
if($fieldvalue == "country") $output .= getCountryName($item[$fieldvalue]);
if($fieldvalue == "quantity") {
$parentid = $item['parentid'];
if($parentid == 'NULL') { // simple product sold on its own (no parent)
$qty_ordered = $item["qty_ordered"];
$qty_shipped = $item["qty_shipped"];
} else { // simple product was part of bundle or configurable group
// If so, use the parent quanities to calculate
$parentitem = get_DB_row("SELECT * FROM sales_flat_order_item WHERE item_id = $parentid");
$qty_ordered = $parentitem["qty_ordered"];
$qty_shipped = $parentitem["qty_shipped"];
$output .= ($qty_ordered - $qty_shipped);
} else {
$output .= $item[$fieldvalue];
if ($m < ($numfields-1)) $output .= ", ";
$output .= "\n";
// Send the CSV file to the browser for download
header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename.csv");
echo $output;